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Understand the Times Our Daily Bread Devotional
Inspirational story: 1000 Marbles Creation Science
Online Versions of the Bible That's God!
Mightily Inspired Song Gateway Fellowship
Red Skelton on the Pledge of Allegiance Purpose Driven Life

What About Eternity Security?

Michael Wells: A pastor from England once reminded me of Matthew 7:13, 14: “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.” He explained that on this narrow way that leads to life there are two walls to keep us on the path. One wall is named Arminianism (free will) and the other Calvinism (predestination), and that it does good to bounce off both walls as we go along. How true it is; we need both walls. On the one hand we need to understand the free will of man, and yet on the other, the sovereignty of God. On the one, we need to be firm in our assurance of salvation, and on the other, we need to be warned about being slothful. As I have mentioned previously, those who enter into true faith no longer find a compelling need to systematize God. Often when speaking about the assurance of salvation that we have in Christ, someone quotes to me Hebrews 6:4-6, John 15:2, and Galatians 5:4, and makes the statement that, “Christians can fall away.” That person will then ask me to explain these Scripture verses. My explanation is simple. “I believe what Hebrews 6:4-6, John 15:2, and Galatians 5:4 teach. I may not understand, but I believe.” Another time someone will begin to quote the Scriptures that teach we cannot fall away (Hebrews 13:5, I John 2:19, John 10:28) and ask that these be explained in the context of the Scriptures that teach we can fall away. My response is the same, “I believe what Scripture teaches.” I do not want to go through all the gymnastics and gyrations that theologians do to change the meaning of a Scripture verse so it will fit into their systems of belief. Nor do I want to attempt to be clever; I am only stating that I do not know all, I do not know the mind of God, and I am not the teacher. Christ alone is the Teacher, and whatever He says I believe, whether I can systematize it or not. The enemy has persuaded many (of commensurate intelligence, talent, gifts, and spirituality) to choose one wall against the other (causing division), and in so doing, they suffer, for they stagnate. We want to be of those who moment by moment look to the Holy Spirit to reveal what we need for life right then, not what we think we need for our minds. We want life, not knowledge. When this is our attitude, God will reveal what we need to know when we need to know it, and with the knowledge will come life and power.

Wells, Michael (2012-05-26). Sidetracked In The Wilderness (Kindle Locations 3037-3042). Kindle Edition.

Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel:

It is not easy to maintain the unity of the Spirit among us on these matters. It seems that the sovereignty of God and human responsibility are like two parallel lines that do not seem to intersect within our finite minds. God's ways are "past finding out" (Romans 11:33), and the Bible warns us to "lean not unto thy own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5). To say what God says in the Bible - no more and no less - is not always easy, comfortable, or completely understandable. But Scripture tells us that the wisdom from above will be loving and kind toward all, seeking the unity of the believers, not trying to find ways to divide and separate from one another. May God help us all to love each other, to be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as Jesus Christ has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32)! In difficult doctrinal matters, may we have gracious attitudes and humble hearts, desiring most of all to please Him who has called us to serve Him in the body of Christ. Discussion - YES! Disagreements - YES! Division - NO!

Jesus said, "By their fruit ye shall know them." When a particular position on the Scriptures causes one to become argumentative, legalistic, and divisive, I question the validity of that position. I seek to embrace those things that tend to make me more loving and kind, more forgiving and merciful. I know then that I am becoming more like my Lord. If you have come to a strong personal conviction on one side of a doctrinal issue, please grant us the privilege of first seeing how it has helped you to become more Christ-like in your nature, and then we will judge whether we need to come to that same persuasion. Let us always be certain to look at the fruit of the teaching.

Seek those things that produce the loving nature of Jesus in our lives. I would rather have the wrong facts and a right attitude, than right facts and a wrong attitude. God can change my understanding of the facts in a moment, but it often takes a lifetime to effect changes of attitude.

Yours in love,

Chuck Smith